Keeping Track Of Your Grocery Staples

We all have our favorites....right? You know, those things you write on your grocery list EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

In our house it is cereal and Dino Buddies. Think about it. What are yours?

It can be baking supplies you like to keep on hand, meats, condiments, snacks, or even canned goods. 

What if I told you that I had the easiest, most simple way to make sure you never forget to add those to your list again? 


Inside of our meal planning cheat sheet bundle, there is a GROCERY STAPLES LIST.

Now, setting up your list will only take you about 15 minutes. What you will need to do is look through your fridge, freezer and pantry and make note of what you seem to always buy and use up.

On our Grocery Staples List, it is broken down in to different categories so you can easily look at that list and transfer it to your MASTER GROCERY LIST. 

So, before you finalize your MASTER GROCERY LIST, you can go over this grocery staples list and make sure you add what you need so you don't forget it!

Less trips to the store, means less time and money wasted! 



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